Partner, Joseph Cammarata, was asked by Kent State University Professor Karl Idsvoog of the School of Journalism & Mass Communication to participate in a video Skype interview about concussions and school policies on protection against concussions and post-concussion management. The interview sought Mr. Cammarata’s views on best-practices for school-based concussion policies, and the liability faced by a school district, school, coach, or trainer for its failure to have a policy in place or to follow an already established policy. Mr. Cammarata explained that a concussion policy is developed to protect the health and well-being of student athletes. Professor Idsvoog acknowledged Mr. Cammarata’s participation in the interview in his blog where Professor Idsvoog stated, “[w]hen it comes to concussions, [Mr. Cammarata] is a wealth of information.”
To view the interview, please click here.